Professional Astrology Reports

Help Our Fund Raising Efforts – Get a Great Astrology Report

As part of our general fund raising program, we offer superb computer-generated astrological reports. We use professional software. The reports are informative, interesting, and remarkably accurate.

We offer FOUR reports:

Professional Natal Report

An accurate 25-30-page natal profile which reveals you as you are, or can be. How do others see you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What motivates you through life? What career pathway(s) are you best suited for? How well do you know yourself? What about love and money? Following the profile report is a nice review of Astrological terms to help you understand, more fully, the various aspect of your chart. These and much more are discussed within the Natal Report.

Transit Forecast Report

A detailed report, available for 3, 6, or 12 months, listing significant astrological influences, such as transits and major and minor progressions, as they occur in your chart, at the moment, and how they may affect you and your life. What you should look out for, and when. When is the best time to make important career, financial, and personal decision? What could the next year be like? Length of report depends upon number of months you wish to have forecast. A great way to follow up on a regular basis.

Friends and Lovers

An astrological guide to relationships. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the relationship compatibility between two individuals. It includes descriptions of one’s personal interactions with others, as well as the strengths and weaknesses in a relationship. Can be used for platonic friendships or love relationships, or even describe the potentials that exist between two business associates. Well written and remarkably accurate.

Solar Return Report

Every year, at or around the time of our birthday, the sun returns to the exact astrological position it was in at the time of birth. This is called a Solar Return. Astrologers use this time and compare it to the time of birth, and through the various comparisons between both charts are able to make a forecast for the next year. Solar Return Charts allow us to look at the year about to unfold in a fresh and revealing perspective. They make great birthday gifts, for ourselves and for others.

All reports are beautifully laser printed and spiral bound.

Very Informative and a Fund Raiser for Our Church and its Ayer Institute.
They Make Wonderful Gifts!

For pricing information and self-filling Order Form, simply click onto the Order Form Page . . . Fill it out; Print it; then Mail it with the appropriate donation. We will create and mail report(s) within two days of receipt.
